Friday, May 30, 2008

WRITING ROUTES 101: Mini-Articles On The Best Strategies I've Found On The Write Road

There are SOOOO many books on writing techniques and craft that it's impossible to read them all. I find it difficult to believe anyone has anything new to say but I'm just as guilty as anyone else for checking out new offerings and I believe this is why:

We all think differently and we all learn differently. Information is easier to digest in some formats than others and, again, it's different for everybody.

For instance, I respond well to books that lay out the information simply and clearly, with tips and quotes and especially a good sense of humor. For me, it just make learning more fun. On a daily or weekly basis, reading a quick blog post, is a whole lot easier than wading through a whole book though, and that's where I come in.

My hope is that this quick and simple format will keep you motivated, inspire and encourage you and help you find information that would have otherwise had you spend hours wading through volumes of books to find.

This new series of mini-articles has a two-fold purpose:

1) Here I can summarize the best writing advice I've come across - both that works for me and seems to get repeated in various ways - all in one place for easy reference for myself and others


2) If you're new to writing then hopefully these posts will help you get a head start on the 'advice-slush pile' so you can spend your time writing instead of reading about writing!

I've had a few inquiries as to whether or not I have a newsletter people can sign up for. At this stage I don't but I'm certainly thinking about it - especially if those requests keep coming in!

If you're interested please contact me through my website HERE and let me know the sorts of things you'd be interested in receiving information about.

In the meantime I'll be posting mini-articles like the one in the post following this one to give those interested something to get their teeth into.

So far, I have three regular types of posts I'm including in the blog:

FOR THE ORGANIC WRITER - Mini-article series specifically to give writers who don't outline some resources and strategies to consider. There is a lot of information available on detailed plotting and outlining but barely any on how to approach your writing if you don't write that way. I'll be looking at the creative process of writers who work 'organically' and look at strategies successful (i.e. 'published') writers use to get their books written, edited and finished - all while managing detailed plots and creating layered & complicated characters.

WRITING ROUTES 101 - Mini-article series on the best writing advice and strategies I've found. What works for one writer may not work for another but the basic principles tend to be the same. This series will give you different ways to approach your writing with an emphasis on explaining things simply and in a straight-forward manner. Any tips and tricks I've discovered will be included in this series too.

CREATIVE DETOURS - Fun! Useful! Inspiring! The purpose of these is to help fill your creative batteries, refresh your tired mind and discover other creative works out there that you can enjoy. Not just about books and writing (though they'll definitely be included as well), you'll find these posts cover a wide spectrum of creativity. I'll link you to websites where possible so you can explore further as the topic interests you.

The Write Road is filled with frustrating detours, confusing directions and overwhelming advice - but you're not alone on this road. I'm here too, and am having my own adventures. My hope is that I can share what I've learned, we can have a few laughs along the way and who knows? Perhaps we'll trade autographs when our next novels get published!
Coming up on future Writing Routes 101:
How To Keep Readers Turning the Pages
Write on!
The Ink Gypsy

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