I knew I'd never get that project done if I allowed myself to be distracted so that meant NO reading apart from what was absolutely necessary for research, NO web surfing beyond the topics I was working on, NO movies, NO TV, NO blog reading except for those associated with my research, NO blogging beyond the basics to stay in touch... and it worked.
...I feel like I'm creatively starving right now!
So it's time for an intensive refill of my creative batteries and some tasty juice for my tired gray matter.
I mentioned I'd be sharing some of the inspiring things I've found in this blog and I've decided I'm calling them 'CREATIVE DETOURS' - stuff that's worth taking a little side-road to see on your daily journey. While not really on the main route it certainly makes the trip a whole lot more fun and who knows? Perhaps it'll kick-start some of those rusty gears into getting moving again.
And, yes, my creative tanks are rattling in exhausted protest at this preamble too. Next time - no intro-blurbing. 'Turn left NOW!':
Today I discovered a web comic called 'BAYOU' by Jeremy Love (writer/artist) & Patrick Morgan (colorist).
I am in awe of these guys!
The drawing,
.......................the writing,
...........................................the coloring,
.................................................................the layout,
...................................................................................the story,
....................................................................................................the tone...
...it's all AMAZING and ranks with the best graphic novels I've ever seen.
The web comic format is a perfect vehicle for it - keeping the surprises surprising and allowing you to zoom in on the artwork (though you can be certain I'll be snapping up a print copy as soon as it becomes available!). It's a serial comic still in progress - which is already making me impatient for the next update - and wow - do they know how to keep you turning the pages! (Make sure you use the 'view full screen function' for the best experience - you won't be sorry.)
Just a warning - this is not for kids! And you may want to wait till little ones are asleep before viewing. Issues of race from 70 years ago dominate this dark fantasy and it doesn't shy away from the harsh realities of this time period. But that's also refreshing and has a sobering way of making you really think.
Zuda Comics is onto a good thing here. Update your comic in installments, get instant feedback from readers, enable dialogue between writers/artists and readers... It's yet another way this 'social media' explosion is making an impact on the writer and artist community.
But that's not all I get out of reading 'Bayou'. The way it's 'crafted' ALSO makes me wish I could draw - properly! I wish I had the talent to put some of the stories in my head into this wonderful format (and enter their competition). I have a feeling I'll be doodling more than usual in the next few days..!
Oh yeah - and did I mention it's FREE?!! Enjoy while you can!
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