- Interview with 'fail whale' artist If only she got a cent for every whale sighting! [SEE BOTTOM OF POST FOR A PIC]
- My copy of Brave Men Run just arrived! :)
- @etherius On the up side the city is super dog friendly and lots of doggie-allowed parks (AND people DO clean up after them! SHOCK!) [DISCUSSING SAN FRANCISCO]
- @PhilippaJane Never mind - I'll try and leave voicemail or send an email. Great Chapter though. [RE CHAPTER 18 OF CHASING THE BARD PODCAST NOVEL]
- @PhilippaJane Ch 18 - very touching. Did Will ever write about Bess then? That had to have touched his writing in more ways than one! [DITTO ABOVE]
- @mudsock Was that from Ruscal? Very cute - lets get one. [RE BUNNY LETTER OPENER VIDEO ON YOUTUBE:]
- Roller skating dinosaur wood block puzzles - me and Og. Happy times.
- @prindiville OMG that's hilarious and completely TRUE! [RE YOUTUBE VIDEO RE CREATIVE WORK FOR CLIENTS]
- Watchmen trailer comparison of book to screen - xlnt!
MONDAY: July 21
- LOL MyNameIsEarl - That writer's room must be a great place to hang out.
- No DVD player - resorting to watching a free online episode of My Name Is Earl.
- @scottsigler when in doubt send them to the bathroom... like 24 :P [RE HIS COMMENT DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO WRITE NOT-SO-SMART CHARACTER KEEPING SECRET FROM SMART CHARACTERS]
- @TezMillerOz Ah -but see it's all about the cookie dough for us... if some gets cooked, that's a bonus! [RE HER COMMENT OF 'ME COOK?!']
- @prindiville ...The Terrible Twosome.. see? Lame failed supervillains. Clever names are not my strong suit. (What is a strong suit anyway?) [RE ONGOING TWEET EXCHANGE ABOUT AN IDEA FOR A SKETCH]
- @prindiville Not ignoring ur question. Just can't think of anything better than Major Lee Awful, Doc Deadbeat, Col. Mouse Tache (brain spaz) [DITTO ABOVE]
- @mudsock Amazon delivery for you! (jealous) [SELF EXPLANATORY!]
- We found purple Ramone!! Thus ends the 3 day hunt in a magazine holder between books. Og is verrry happy.
- New pic on my profile page in honor of Sive's upcoming book release. (Free PDF!!!!! Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou! @PhilippaJane ) [PART OF THE PROMOTION FOR HER NEW BOOK, 'DIGITAL MAGIC', BEING RELEASED ON 08-08-08 ON AMAZON]
- A picture of chocolate chip cookies has Og in a tizzy. I know how he feels.
- Waking up with Chitty Chitty Bang Bang & Lightning McQueen = pillow face with added tire tracks. Thanks Og.
- Looks like all yesterday's Tweets were eaten - not in my timeline - but they're on my @inkgypsy page. Others I read last night are gone too.
SUNDAY: July 20
- Inklings post: Scraping Bottom of Barrel for Boost
- Spit-the-Dummy post: 18 Mnth Old Aquarian Makes A Splash
- Zombie Kitteh
- Can't wait for the all-singing commentary on the DVD though. What a blast! They're either very brave or completely nuts.
- I have the Dr. Horrible s/track in my head - and now I can't watch it to help me get to the next bit!
- Deleting a writing-prompt response. Glad I realized it was crap-alicious before anyone saw it. Gak!
- Entering another book competition - getting desperate now I have no book allowance anymore (stupid bills).
- Og likes Bad Horse's theme song - that's my boy!
- @mightymur Re "Stop. It's spackle time." - LOL I can see the video now... [MIGHTYMUR WAS PAINTING THAT DAY]
- Joss Whedon Behind-the-Scenes of Dr. Horrible - a lot of fun!
- Og's rain machine sounded briefly like a tardis. Perhaps I'm asleep already.
- Putting my brain cells to bed.
- Catching up on Fangs, Fur & Fey.
- @filboidstudge Thanks for the article! Took me a few days but I read it all. Verrrry interesting... return address: Behind the Lions -story! [RE ARTICLE LINK LIVES & LETTERS: THE LION & THE MOUSE']
- Hair color - goes on purple and I come out blonde. Guess that's good, though I'd be OK with on blonde/out purple too.
- @PhilippaJane @TeeMonster Really enjoyed the Dead Robots interview too - great to hear all different stuff - very little overlap. More pls! [RE PODCAST INTERVIEW WITH TEEMONSTER & PHILIPPAJANE RE THEIR BOOKS COMING OUT ON 08-08-08 ON AMAZON]
- @TezMillerOz Watcha doin' that you have to go alphabetical through Amazon? Someone give you an impossible task? [RE A COMMENT ABOUT HER BEING UP TO 'P' ON AMAZON]
- Blog Post 'When Nice Characters Give You the HeebieJeebies...'
- Why does spelling 'dialogue' like this always end up with a squiggly red line when writing online?
- @feliciaday Excellent work (fun?) on Dr. Horrible! Sorry about your death though. [RE HER ACTING/SINGING ON 'DR. HORRIBLE'S SING-ALONG BLOG']
FRIDAY: July 18
- Our teenie houdini just figured out how to pull his t-shirt off by himself. Great.
- Emptying the kiddie pool, one scoop at a time.
- Listening to Brave Men Run. [A PODIOBOOK]
- @prindiville Ooh! While Dr. Horrible is making waves, how about a sketch from 'the society of failed supervillains'? [RE HIS CALL FOR SKETCH SUGGESTIONS]
- Please don't tell me you'll give me feedback if you don't really intend to. Waiting for nothing sux.
- @prindiville Love the Billibub Baddings sketch! (lucky Tee :D) [RE A SKETCH OF ONE OF TEEMONSTER'S CHARACTERS HERE: ]
- Dr Dreadful's Riposte to Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along-Blog on YouTube
THURSDAY : July 17
- Blog post: Go watch Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along-Blog
- Twitter is NOT fixed! Where are my tweet-tribe and where are my tweets?
- What the freak? Now I have a French dude in my timeline - what's going on Twitter?!
- How did Bosso get into my timeline? Me no likely you crashing my tweets Bosso! Anyone else get this?
- I just realized I wrote 'Doctor' when I meant 'Dr' - I guess I had 'Who' on the brain.
- @prindiville Late reply - I'm 1/2 way thru Torchwood Season 1 - thx for the tip! [RE HIS TIP THAT IT GETS BETTER IN SEASON 2]
- @mudsock Mail & chat [RE.. I CAN'T REMEMBER]
- @TeeMonster Last book you'll ever write? Excellent. My variation - 'the only book that will ever represent you' (which to some is true) [RE A COMMENT HE MADE DURING PODCAST INTERVIEW ABOUT 'WRITE YOUR BOOK AS IF IT IS THE LAST BOOK YOU'LL EVER WRITE.]
- @TeeMonster @PhilippaJane Excellent Tea & Chat guys! Worth every minute of the 120 (or so) there. [RE THEIR DOUBLE INTERVIEW ON THE PODCAST 'TEA & CHAT']
- I am now a Doctor Horrible convert! (I'm late but I'm here!)
- Also tomato rolling time - to the tune of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang of course (Og is providing the music).
- And now it's tomato stomping time apparently - a very messy game!
- While other kids were jumping on the Gymboree equipment Og was busy pointing out all the rips, chips and broken bits.
- Torchwood is beginning to find its groove for me - not completely won over yet but I'm more interested now.
- Inklings post: Why Twitter + Today's Tweets
Want to be part of the conversation? It's free. It's easy. It's FUN! Join Twitter and follow me HERE!
Name: inkgypsy
Location: Limbo, CA
Web: http://www.theink...
Bio: Human/zombie hybrid who wishes
she had tastier brains to snack on while working,
wears socks made out of old muppets,
grows her own hair.
Want to be part of the conversation? It's free. It's easy. It's FUN! Join Twitter and follow me HERE!
Name: inkgypsy
Location: Limbo, CA
Web: http://www.theink...
Bio: Human/zombie hybrid who wishes
she had tastier brains to snack on while working,
wears socks made out of old muppets,
grows her own hair.
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