Australian Bushfires Destroy Amazing Fantasy Sculpture Garden
The fantastical sculptures of Bruno Torfs, nestled in a temperate rainforest garden setting in South-Eastern Australia have wowed, moved and inspired 1 000's of visitors from all over the world for over 10 years - but no more.
The unique sculpture garden was one of many places destroyed in the devastating bushfires in the state of Victoria last week. The Torfs family, who lived at the garden and gallery, managed to get to safety but lost their home, over 300 paintings and sustained great damage to the sculpture garden. Friends and neighbors in nearby Marysville weren't as lucky and lost not only their homes but their lives. The area remains in a state of emergency at this time.
The Torfs family, in a statement on their website, say they hope to salvage some of the sculptures with the intent of rebuilding the fantasy garden in the near future. The website also has a slideshow of some of the beautiful sculptures the garden contained before the fires swept through.
My sympathies and condolences go out to them. While nothing can compare to the loss of life, the destruction of this unique home-gallery and garden is a great tragedy that will be mourned by many.
For those who wish to show their support for Bruno and his family, please see his website. For general support for the many bushfire victims please contact The Australian Red Cross and reference the Victorian Bushfire Appeal 2009.
Reasons This Is Close To My Heart
I am an Australian, living in the US for 10 years now, and have been anxiously following news of the fires as I have a lot of family there. I am lucky in that all of mine are safe, though a few of my cousins continue to fight the remaining fires in their various capacities. I am very proud of all the work they are doing and how they're able to directly help so many.
When it comes to fantasy, art and writing, though I have loved the classics and fairy tales of mainly European influence there was always a part of me that yearned to integrate that fantasy 'sense' into the landscape I love of Australia*, especially the forests and rainforests.
One of my long-term works in progress, called 'Fae Dreaming', is an attempt to approach classical fantasy from a unique Australian perspective in a very organic way. I say 'works' because it isn't just a story or novel but includes an artistic exploration of the images so people would literally 'see' what was in my imagination. I had planned to come back to Australia at some point to build a fantasy garden project with the dream that the concepts and characters in it would eventually make their way into film and/or animation. I hadn't heard of Bruno's Art & Sculpture Garden till very recently and couldn't believe the images I was seeing.
The sculptures were exactly in the same vein as the characters existing in my head for 'Fae Dreaming'! [MORE IMAGES FROM ANOTHER BLOG HERE, INCLUDING BRIEF MOVIE] It was as if he'd dreamed the same dream then brought it to life in his own way. I nearly cried for joy to see such imaginings had become reality.
To hear that so much is lost and damaged has me in tears again but this time of deep sadness.
*It must be in my blood. My Nanna's aunt - May Gibbs - had the same desire and created the well-known and loved characters of Snugglepot & Cuddlepie. Though I don't ever expect to approach her success I hope one day to have made her proud with my efforts. It's daunting to even think about (they're very big shoes to fill!) so it's best I just put my head down and keep at it. I have a lot of inspiration to keep me going.